Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pumping Out Your First Email List

Pumping Out Your First Email List is based on the exact replica of a plan that I personally used to build a list of 2500 new subscribers from absolute scratch in just one month!

In Pumping Out Your First Email List you will learn the very basics of building a list including:

Where to find the internet users that are your potential market
How to understand the original intention and purpose of email marketing
How to truly understand what a niche market is and make it work for you
How to create a free eBook or report to offer your customers
An explanation of what is spamming and what is advertising
How to brainstorm the internet so you can find new prospects
How to make sure that your message is seen by customers who prequalify as buyers for what you are selling
How to make your site into a moneymaking center using a targeted promotional email campaign


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